Getting Started

Do you believe God is someone who wants something from you or something for you?

At Lifeline, we believe that no matter where you come from or what your backstory is, God sees you and He has great things for you. Nothing about a person’s past can limit what God wants to do in their future. And most of all, Jesus has come as the bringer of good news—the story that our God wants to call us sons and daughters and include us in his eternal family.

Whether you are just starting at church, or if reading the Bible is new for you, or if you are simply looking to experience a greater connection with God, we want to help you on your journey of faith.

Take a moment to watch a short video about what the Bible is all about.

Courtesy of

What is the Bible?

A little more for you

We would love to meet you at church on a Sunday. In order to help you feel ready, here are some insights about Lifeline.

  • Our Sunday services host between 90-110 adults, youth, and children (on average) each week.

  • Children are welcome in service, yet we do have full-service kids ministry on Sunday mornings.

  • You don’t have to know anything about the Bible or church before you visit.

  • You are totally allowed to bring your coffee into the auditorium.

  • Services are typically over around noon. (90 minutes)

  • You are welcome to sing along with the songs, but you’re not expected to.

  • Some people in the church have been going to church for a long time, some just started recently.

  • You will have the opportunity to fill out a welcome card, but it’s not required.

  • We will have an offering opportunity, but we don’t pass a basket and their is no expectation to give.

  • You don’t have to have a Bible, but you can use your phone to follow along if you want.

To learn more about our Sunday Services, click this link. And to see more answers to common questions, check out our FAQ page.

If you want to connect with us before you visit, you can use this form box below.