Lifeline Learning

  • Customized Curriculum

    With a program that meets with the exact academic benchmarks of each individual students, every child receives the opportunity to excel in areas they are strong while attending to areas for growth. Our teachers serve as constant support for an equitable approach for academic success!

  • Academic Discipleship

    As it goes with our unified Lifeline mission, discipleship is a key component of our school. In addition to educational instruction and guidance, our teachers serve as mentors who help students grow through their personal, emotional, and spiritual challenges too. We are disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus in the classroom.

  • Fun and Friendship

    A child learns best when a child has fun. Lifeline Learning values an atmosphere where students grow as they learn together. With creative and experiential style study, students learn how to engage with their material so it becomes real in everyday life, and they can cheer one another on as they take new ground on their path to discovery.

About Our School

Lifeline Learning is a private school that works in partnership with Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) School of Tomorrow. With this program, students enroll in coursework that connects with students’ personal academic levels while propelling them to meet and exceed normal grade level standards.

Students attend class four days per week (Monday-Thursday), beginning in August and ending in May. Students follow a typical semester structure with normal student breaks.


  • Tuition is $300 per student per month,

  • A semester supply fee (fall and spring) $175 is due at the beginning of each term.

Grade Levels

  • Lifeline Learning provides a dedicated Kindergarten teacher and space for our kindergarten class.

  • Grade levels extend all the way to twelfth grade.

Call for a tour or to talk with our director at 940-218-3418 or email to

Meet Our Director

Susan Stevens


Susan has both a passion for children and the experience of educational leadership. She has spent many years facilitating ACE curriculum and has a customized program just for kids studying at Lifeline Learning. If you’d like to meet Susan to learn more about the program, you may use the inquiry form below.

Apply for Lifeline Learning

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